Saturday, April 28, 2012

Good stuff

People often says that we should think at least one wonderful things that happened to you everyday

Trying hard to figure out one for today...

Initially it was hard cause I have all the bad ones that came across my mind...

Then, slowly realized that actually I've got more!

1) Done my accuracy checking log for 1000 items... well, might not sounds fascinating to you but I know how hard to reach tat stage, so yeah....cheers for that :D
2) Pay day today! Getting closer to saving target for Croatia!
3) Had a good laugh with the nurse and ward clerk at ward today...It feels like people actually value me as a pharmacist!

Also, I'd discovered another funny things about man once they entered marriage...

Men will focused more on earning money, kids, food, games, football and wife would be the last thing after all!

Think Asian guy should somehow learn the good practice from the Western in terms of maintaining good relationship with your partner...It's important to have some alone time for just the two of you. Also, it's important to give your wife a break from taking care of the kids and home, to have girl nights out or even short getaway! 

Cheers, ladies and boys

That's all for today.

I'm feeling:

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