Wednesday, December 29, 2010



俗话说的好: 再好的鱼肉吃多了,也还是想尝尝大白菜的味道;再好的老婆处久了,也还是想知道别的女人的风韵。所以,如果你下了决心勾引我老公,而我老公也上钩了,我一点也不觉得奇怪。感人故事










我打断他:“从此以后,我不再是你的黄脸婆,不再是你不用支付工资的用人。我可以节省为你熨衣服配领带的时间,来打扮自己;我可以节省下为你买衣物的钱,给自己挑几件拿的出手的时装;我可以不用绞尽脑汁地搜索鱼的N种做法,不用讨好你的胃,想吃饭我就做,不想做饭,我可以带女儿去吃快餐;我可以不再担心你抽烟伤了肺,喝酒伤了肝;我不再为你洗吐的一塌糊涂的被单;不用在你醉了酒,睡在街边某个角落时,一边哭一边满大街的找;我可以不用再操心你老家的亲戚今天谁做寿,明天谁娶媳妇,不用再每个月给你爸妈寄生活费;不用每年跟你坐半天的车,提着大包小包走十多里山路,只为陪你父母吃顿年夜饭.....是啊,离婚,真是太好了!”说完这些,我泪如泉涌,而他则楞楞的看着我,我一直都表现的很冷静,可是,一点酒精就把我的内心出卖了。三十多岁的女人,谁不在乎自己经营多年的婚姻? 我又笑起来:“离吧,离了看你得意多久,你十分爱她是吧?她也十分爱你是吧?走到一起后,一起生活几年,看你还会不会见到她就心跳加速,她现在能给你的都是十年前我给过你的,你就折腾去吧!等你折腾够了就会发现,你只是把我们走过的路又重复走了一遍而已。” “你醉了?”他有些紧张的看着我。



Monday, December 27, 2010






今天是一年一度的boxing day, 虽然天气很冷,但还是有很多人不管寒风侵袭,凌晨就开始排队了。有些店还会限制能够买的衣服。真的有够夸张!更可怕的是,一些店可以乱到像被抢劫过,鞋子,衣服,包包满地都是,大家买东西好像都不用钱似的,好像东西都是不用钱的。但认真一看,有些东西convert后其实还是有点贵,至少对我来说是贵的。



不过,刚刚晚饭后一个小时就让我破诫了。原本已打算收身养性的我又再一次的抵挡不住诱惑,走去clarks website 看了看,竟然有几个相中的,就这样,本小姐阔出去了,买了两双鞋!当下是痛快的,可是看看这个月的花费不禁让我觉得有点自责了。哎~


Friday, December 24, 2010

Merry Merry Christmas!!!

Had an early christmas celebration in three countries last week. Each different countries had different decorations but the way they celebrate it, with christmas tree, lovelight lights deco, lovely stall selling lovely ornaments, foods, pastries, hot drinks.....You can definitely feel the joy and warmth bring by the local people. I still remember the christmas songs that I heard from the choir singing in front of Residentplaz.

I guess I will be missing another Boxing day this year. Need to watch my budget and put more effort on something else.

This morning, I glanced through a friend's facebook photo album.I was so jealous that she is graduated already. When's my turn? I'm thinking. I wanna pass through this soon. I wanna put on that robe, hold the certificates and celebrate the joyious momet with my beloved!

So, hang in there. I will be the next soon. Wheee~

Anyway here are a couples of pictures that I would like to share with all of you.It's all about christmas. haha. Two years of celebrating cold christmas here, I started to miss those years when I celebrated it in Malaysia. Miss the lovely decorations is ech shopping centre. All of them are really pretty and full of christmas feel. Miss the time I celebrate with my family, sitting down in the cafe and listening to christmas songs together with good food and we countdown during christmas eve. Watch the fire works and the next day, mum would definitely bought each of us a piece of gift!The happiest moment is when I opened up my eyes the next day, I would see that present next to my pillow.lolz.

Hey, it's us at the Munich christmas market.
Glad to celebrate this with you:)
Nice christmas tree at Munich in front of....
well, I dun remember the name of that building

Christmas deco in Salzburg
Not too big, not too posh.
I like!!!
Hohoho, Santa Claus is bringing all the gift to us!
Hope he will send to each of you with all the blessings:)

X'mas tree in Slazburg

Jingle Bell~Angels

View from the top of the astronomical clock tower of the
Prague christmas market
It was full of people and the decorations are sooo beautiful!
One of the best!!!
Last but not least,

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Tang Yuan

It's tang yuan festival again!

This is the second year that I missed out the celebration with my family.Really feel like going home and eat tang yuan with them now.

Snowing here, without tang yuan, without family members around. Just a pile of notes and a cup of coffee accompany me. So sad. Cun wait to go home this coming May. To celebrate the two queen's birthday in my house.lolz.

Found this song's melody very nice. And the chorus is very true.


Sunday, December 12, 2010


Looking forward to more snow!!!

Goodbye People!

Have a great winter break too:)

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Cute Animal Pictures

Does any of the pictures above put a smile on ur face?

Those little wonders are just simply adorable.

Life is always full of wonderful things if you keep searching for it.

Monday, December 6, 2010

December- Snowieee Month

Snow visited Nottingham at the end of November.

It was pretty thick this time and we even had a snow war few days ago.

It causes lots of problem due to its early arrival. Trains were delayed, schools were closed, road accident and closure of airport to clear out snow.

It was fun at the beginning cause we never encounter such a thick snow before this. After a several days, everyone starts to have a few words about it.

Honestly, snow isn't fun after all.It looks nice but it doesn't make me feel good about it.I still prefer a warmer weather.
Im staying in Peveril Road:)

Dirty footprints along the street


The view across my window

Snowy morning = cold and
dun feel like moving at all

On the way to attend lecture
Hate walking in such thick snow:(

Never ending road,sigh~

Even Mickey get caught in the snow.teeheee:)

Uwen with the giant snow man

Another mini and cute version of snow man
Love love love

The big green field turns into white

The 1st snow man built by me!
It looks kinda retarded cause I have no idea
how to built a snow man.

Sushi made by Darren Leom
Yummy!!! Arigato~

Bought this because one article that
i read from the
website saying that peppermint tea may
helps to relieve migraine.
Not sure whether it will works o not.Hmmm

Yo Yo Yo,
Another pack of gummies
This one tastes really good but its hard to chew
Why can't they have cheap and yummy gummies in the UK?:(

A new dishes
Fried minced pork with mushroom and onions
Still need some improvements:)

Exam is coming. This would be the last exam that I would have for my Uni life. More to come when I start working. I know. It will be worse. And stressful. I need to find more ways to cope with it.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010












树欲静而风不止 子欲养而亲不待